
This is my blog for posting my works of art for MLP:FiM

Friday, March 16, 2012

Stop Motion Fireworks and EQD felt competition win

Woot. I just won the Equestria Daily felt competition Contest page with other entrants with this.

Its a stop motion gif I made using construction paper.

I spent hours cutting out little pieces of paper and trying to make them look as show accurate as possible. I even made some of the swirly squiggles that you can see on the ground and plants but decided to stick with the simpler squiggles to not distract too much from everything else in the scene. The tools were simply paper, glue, tape and a pair of scissors.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Secret Santa and Big Mac Plush

So awhile ago I decided to join ponychan's /merch/ board's secret santa. This was just the excuse I needed to try my hoof at making some sort of toy. For some reason I really wanted to make a plushie so I started my journey toward making it.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Nightmare Moon Halloween

Halloween has to be my favorite holiday. I admit I didnt go all out this year like I normally do for it. I did make a bat out of red lights and had my skeleton dungeon door up though. This year is was more about the costume.

I made a Nightmare Moon costume! I made a helmet with the curves like in the show and her breast plate. Then I made some arm and leg guards (sorry I don't know the correct armor terminology). Then I put on a cape with her cutie mark on both sides on and called it good. I had much more that I could have done but considering how long it took to make just the parts I had, it was near impossible for me to put everything that eventually came to mind in it. I spent four nearly sleepless days and nights making it to have it ready for Sunday. You can see it in this video made by another fan of the show.

You can get a decent look at me at 1:37 though I dont think any good shots of the cutie marks I put on my cape are in there.

I wish I had some high quality pictures to show you but unfortunately tragedy befell my costume that day. I shall tell you of it later but I thought you might want to know the basics of how I made my costume.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

A good pony night

Allright so even though I spent from 7am to 9pm going to school and working the evening made it all better. There is currently a coupon to get a free poster at walmart til oct 31st. So I went and got a wonderbolts one!

 Then when I was heading to the bus stop I got hollered at for being hot. Picked me up a bit. Finally after I got back home around ten I spent the night finishing this guy up. I am sort of proud of it. I made him all by myself with no other parts from any other sprites used. I may adjust him sometime in the future but for now he is so awesome. /)^3^(\
 So overall an awesome evening. Now this weekend I have to get to making mine and everypony else's Halloween costumes. Im thinking of going traditional with my brushable ponies. A vampire, witch, frankenstein: The classics.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Dressed up Brushables

Making dresses for these ponies are hard. Its not the sewing or coming up with designs that is hard. It is making them so small. The room in between the two front legs can barely fit a sliver of fabric making the design inherently weaker and more likely to break when switching it out. I may have to get the fashion ponies now to make some better quality dresses. Dang after I had just completed my mane 7 collection too. (Cheerilee counts as one of my mane 7  ;P  )

Well here are some pics

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Keyboard Scoots

I found myself inspired to stay up late making making more videos I dont know if I'll regret or not. Actually I think I made some pretty funny ones this time. I took the initial idea of Scoots being keyboard cat from Xriss777 and ran with it. I also made a base keyboard scoots so others can make a video with it pretty painlessly.

They are embedded below

Friday, August 19, 2011

Back again, now with brushable ponies!

Hey I know its been awhile since I have updated. I moved shortly after my last update and then life and spriting took hold. I added a ton more sprites to the desktop pony project like soarin', opalescence, a royal guard and then what felt like alot of little animations for already made characters.

Well I finally broke down (maybe the phrase 'saw the light' would work better, hmm) and bought a pony. I was super nervous while buying it too but now I feel like a silly foal for having felt that way in the first place. Originally I wanted a molded twilight sparkle so I could take her on my trips and not have to worry about ruining her mane with water or by being tucked away in a pocket but brushable was all I found so I got her and I ended up grabbing a Rainbow Dash I found stashed away too.

Now I am planning on starting to make some different clothes for her since I havent seen much in the way of fashion for the toy ponies. Tons of things on how to style the mane, make a custom but no gala dresses or even regular outfits (that Ive seen). So I vow to correct that. My inner Rarity is shining through. I've never done anything in the fashion line before so wish me luck. I have done some cross stitching (putting designs on fabric), made a few teddy bears (may have to try making a Rarity plush if I end up with more free time) and done basic repairs but it has been awhile so hopefully I end up with something decent. I will have something up here to show you by the end of next week