Halloween has to be my favorite holiday. I admit I didnt go all out this year like I normally do for it. I did make a bat out of red lights and had my skeleton dungeon door up though. This year is was more about the costume.
I made a Nightmare Moon costume! I made a helmet with the curves like in the show and her breast plate. Then I made some arm and leg guards (sorry I don't know the correct armor terminology). Then I put on a cape with her cutie mark on both sides on and called it good. I had much more that I could have done but considering how long it took to make just the parts I had, it was near impossible for me to put everything that eventually came to mind in it. I spent four nearly sleepless days and nights making it to have it ready for Sunday. You can see it in this video made by another fan of the show.
You can get a decent look at me at 1:37 though I dont think any good shots of the cutie marks I put on my cape are in there.
I wish I had some high quality pictures to show you but unfortunately tragedy befell my costume that day. I shall tell you of it later but I thought you might want to know the basics of how I made my costume.