
This is my blog for posting my works of art for MLP:FiM

Thursday, October 20, 2011

A good pony night

Allright so even though I spent from 7am to 9pm going to school and working the evening made it all better. There is currently a coupon to get a free poster at walmart til oct 31st. So I went and got a wonderbolts one!

 Then when I was heading to the bus stop I got hollered at for being hot. Picked me up a bit. Finally after I got back home around ten I spent the night finishing this guy up. I am sort of proud of it. I made him all by myself with no other parts from any other sprites used. I may adjust him sometime in the future but for now he is so awesome. /)^3^(\
 So overall an awesome evening. Now this weekend I have to get to making mine and everypony else's Halloween costumes. Im thinking of going traditional with my brushable ponies. A vampire, witch, frankenstein: The classics.