
This is my blog for posting my works of art for MLP:FiM

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Keyboard Scoots

I found myself inspired to stay up late making making more videos I dont know if I'll regret or not. Actually I think I made some pretty funny ones this time. I took the initial idea of Scoots being keyboard cat from Xriss777 and ran with it. I also made a base keyboard scoots so others can make a video with it pretty painlessly.

They are embedded below

Friday, August 19, 2011

Back again, now with brushable ponies!

Hey I know its been awhile since I have updated. I moved shortly after my last update and then life and spriting took hold. I added a ton more sprites to the desktop pony project like soarin', opalescence, a royal guard and then what felt like alot of little animations for already made characters.

Well I finally broke down (maybe the phrase 'saw the light' would work better, hmm) and bought a pony. I was super nervous while buying it too but now I feel like a silly foal for having felt that way in the first place. Originally I wanted a molded twilight sparkle so I could take her on my trips and not have to worry about ruining her mane with water or by being tucked away in a pocket but brushable was all I found so I got her and I ended up grabbing a Rainbow Dash I found stashed away too.

Now I am planning on starting to make some different clothes for her since I havent seen much in the way of fashion for the toy ponies. Tons of things on how to style the mane, make a custom but no gala dresses or even regular outfits (that Ive seen). So I vow to correct that. My inner Rarity is shining through. I've never done anything in the fashion line before so wish me luck. I have done some cross stitching (putting designs on fabric), made a few teddy bears (may have to try making a Rarity plush if I end up with more free time) and done basic repairs but it has been awhile so hopefully I end up with something decent. I will have something up here to show you by the end of next week